(With Tips) SEP 25, 2021 Photo from Getty Images Originally Posted On: https://telelanguage.com/blog/working-with-interpreter-tips/ Working with an interpreter is more commonplace than ever before in our world of global business and diversity. Certified interpreters are able to provide effective communication between non-English speaking / limited-English Speaking clients and providers, government organizations and businesses. Interpretation services can also be used by the deaf or hard-of-hearing communities. Combined, the limited English-speaking communities of the United States (25 million individuals) and the deaf/hard-of-hearing community (10 million individuals) comprise more than 10 percent of the total U.S. population. Interpretation services have the capacity to empower these individuals, in situations where they may have otherwise felt defeated. As a business owner, whenever you choose to invest in an interpreter, you can effectively advance your company’s goals. Having a sturdy language-access program in place will benefit everyone involved, whether or not they’re directly utilizing the interpretation services. It’s important to empower and enable your employees, wherever possible. A skilled interpreter can help you to accomplish exactly that. At Telelanguage, we offer a variety of interpretation services to our clients, depending on their unique needs. Interpreters and interpretation services aren’t one size fits all — so, here’s what we have to offer: